Thursday, March 17, 2011

Prayer House

    We have been working mucho (excuse the Spanish... It´s contagious... jk) on the Prayer House here at Kilometro Cero (Kilometer Zero) which is Jacob´s evangelical house that they rent on the square (Puerte del Sol). It´s coming along great! Dad worked a lot on the kitchen area where they serve coffee and espresso things (I´m not a drinker, I don´t know the terms), and he put the countertops on and the sink in and some cabinet doors in. Amanda and I (Brady) did a whole bunch of painting under these benches to make it the color of the wall... It´s been good.

    Spain is so awesome still. On the way to the Prayer Houseyesterday, we walked through ¨Retiro¨, which the Spanish king built 500 years ago for himself, and there are tons of awesome plants and bushes in there. Today Arnold, Julie and I loaded and unloaded a bunch of chairs from a truck into our huge European van (which they call the Bockmobile) and then from that van into the square, which was super hectic.

    There is always TONS of people in the square, just like Times Square in  New York, so to unload a whole van full of chairs means getting in a whole bunch of people´s ways. We pulled up to an area actually inside the square and off the road, and then took the unloaded chairs into the building we are in. Then they came up the elevator into the 5th floor (which is actually the 6th floor in America... The 1st floor of buildings here they call the 0th floor.), and then about 2 yards (No, I´m not going to use meters, I´m not that good of a metric system user yet) into Kilometro Cero where they belong. They are being set up as I type (they get to do all the work while I sit on my butt and write this blog. LOL jk! Not always!)

   The computer I´m on is being tough in terms of uploading pictures... Hopefully it gets to work here so I can show you.

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